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Here’s Your Game Plan for When Your Dental Bridge Fails

January 13, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:48 am
Dental bridge

Dental bridges have been used to replace lost teeth for centuries, and modern appliances are more comfortable, durable, and lifelike than ever before. While a bridge is a long-term investment in your appearance and oral health, it will eventually become worn out and require replacement. Here’s a brief guide to why your appliance may come loose and what to do if your dental bridge becomes dislodged from your smile.

Why Do Dental Bridges Fall Out?

Dental bridges are one or several artificial teeth supported by either two dental crowns placed on healthy teeth or two dental implants placed in the jawbone on either side of an empty space created by tooth loss. A bridge may fail for reasons like:

  • Wear and tear: Age and regular use will slowly wear down your dental bridge, eventually making its replacement necessary.
  • Injury: A blow to the face or bad habits like using your teeth to open packages can cause a dental bridge to break.
  • Infection: Tooth decay or gum disease can compromise the dental crowns or dental implants supporting your bridge and cause it to fall out.
  • Acid exposure: Frequent exposure to alcohol, soda, juice, and other acidic substances can erode the cement holding your bridge in place, leading to its failure.

How Can I Keep My Bridge in Great Shape?

The best way to ensure that your bridge lasts for as long as possible is to practice excellent oral hygiene by brushing, flossing, and carefully cleaning beneath your appliance while keeping up with regular dental appointments. With suburb care, your traditional bridge may last as long as fifteen years before needing to be replaced, but an implant-supported bridge may last for decades if it is well-maintained.

What Should I Do if My Dental Bridge Falls Out?

It’s important to call your oral healthcare provider to schedule an appointment as soon as possible after your bridge fails. If you can, locate your dislodged dental bridge and place it in a clean and safe container so you can easily transport it to the dentist’s office. However, a failed bridge is not the most severe dental crisis, so your appointment may be scheduled a few days out. Until then, avoid chewing in the area of your mouth where the bridge was and take care to brush and floss gently.

At your appointment, your dentist will evaluate your bridge and your teeth to determine if it is best to fix the appliance back in place or replace it altogether, and you may also need restorative treatments if your bridge failed due to infection. Maintaining your dental bridge properly can keep your smile complete and beautiful for as long as possible.

About the Author

Dr. Angelo M. Julovich earned his dental degree at Indiana University’s School of Dentistry and remains committed to refining his skills through continuing education coursework. He is proud to be a member of the Chicago Dental Society and the American Dental Association. His office in Zionsville offers general, cosmetic, emergency, and restorative dentistry such as dental bridge services. If your dental bridge has fallen out, dial (317) 769-3335. For more information, contact the office online.

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