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What Does Cosmetic Dentistry Mean?

May 18, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 6:20 pm
Woman on pink background wondering about cosmetic dental treatments

If you’re interested in getting a prettier smile, then cosmetic dentistry is for you! However, what exactly does cosmetic dentistry mean? What is a cosmetic dental treatment? While the terms or phrases may seem confusing, cosmetic dentistry is all about helping you achieve a beautiful, healthy set of pearly whites that you’ll be excited to show off. And with today’s modern dental materials and technology, it’s never been easier! Read on as we go over everything you need to know about cosmetic dentistry and getting the smile you’ve always wanted.


Finding the Right Cosmetic Dentist: What You Need to Know

February 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:18 pm
a female patient looking at her cosmetic dentist as he explains which treatments will be best for her smile

Are you attempting to look for a dentist in Zionsville who offers cosmetic dentistry treatments in-house? The search for the right professional can feel daunting; however, it doesn’t have to be if you know what you should be looking for. Even if you have criteria you want the right individual to meet, it’s important that you pay close attention to certain attributes that can easily identify whether they are the right professional for you. Read on to learn what you need to know about selecting a qualified, compassionate, and dedicated cosmetic dentist.


Why Choose Professional Teeth Whitening Over a Store-Bought Kit?

December 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 10:08 pm
a woman wearing a blue denim blouse and pointing to her whiter, brighter smile

Are you tired of lackluster results from your store-bought whitening kit? If so, it may be time to consider a more powerful and effective alternative. With professional teeth whitening in Zionsville, you can rest easy knowing your money is being spent on a safer solution that is not only approved by the American Dental Association but is capable of blasting away stubborn stains to produce long-lasting results. Read on to find out why you’re better off seeing a dental professional instead of buying another mediocre product from your local drug store.


Dental Insurance: What’s Covered, What’s Not

November 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:24 pm
Patient reviewing dental benefits on computer

According to the National Association of Dental Plans, over 70% of Americans have dental benefits. However, far too few are familiar with what their provider does and doesn’t cover, let alone the intricacies of their policy that make it unique. Fortunately, a dentist in Zionsville is sharing a basic outline of average dental insurance coverage.


Lost Your Crown? Helpful Tips for Addressing the Problem at Home

October 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:47 pm
a young woman with dark, curly hair holding her hands over her mouth to hide her lost dental crown

Recently lost one or more dental crowns in Zionsville? Worried your oral health will suffer as a result? If you are facing the reality that one or more of your custom-made restorations has fallen out, you’re not alone. Although you may be tempted to start panicking, there are ways to handle this situation at home until you can get in to see your dentist. To help you stay calm and avoid further damage to your weakened tooth, here are a few helpful tips you can use in the meantime while waiting to receive help from a professional.


6 Common Dental Emergency Treatments

September 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:37 pm
Pained woman talking to her Zionsville emergency dentist

While you’ll hopefully never experience a dental emergency, not every broken, knocked-out, or painful tooth can be avoided. Thankfully, there are several reliable treatments your Zionsville emergency dentist can use to get you out of these scary situations. Knowing what they may recommend when you step into their office during a dental emergency can help you feel more prepared and a little less overwhelmed. Here are the six most common dental treatments that are used to handle dental emergencies.


Ways to Avoid Sensitivity After Undergoing Teeth Whitening Treatment

August 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:31 pm
a woman pointing to her whiter, brighter teeth after undergoing a whitening treatment

One of the most common reasons people choose not to whiten their pearly whites is fear of teeth sensitivity. This sharp pain that pulsates through the mouth is enough to cause anyone to drop their favorite food or beverage. Unfortunately, if you’re using a store-bought product, this happens all-too-often. But what about professional care? A local cosmetic dentist explains what you can do to avoid this unpleasant feeling, one of which is seeing an expert for whitening treatment.  


5 Reasons You Should Smile After Receiving Cosmetic Dentistry

July 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:29 pm
a young female standing outside while looking off into the distance and smiling

It should come as no surprise that the benefits of smiling are many and can often change the way you think, act, and speak toward others. The moment you feel the corners of your mouth lift, showing off your healthy, beautiful teeth, you likely notice a substantial difference in how you feel. This change in your emotional, mental, and physical state can be easy to achieve with the help of cosmetic dentistry. Whether you need to remove stains, minimize gaps, or create an even gum line, your dentist is skilled and equipped to provide the care you need to feel great about the way you look. Take a few minutes and learn what smiling can do to improve your health and wellbeing.


7 Lies Your Dentist Can Detect Just by Looking at Your Mouth

June 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:36 pm
a dentist in Zionsville examining a male patient’s smile during a visit

Preparing for an upcoming dental appointment but haven’t been taking care of your smile as you should? If you think lying about how much you floss or brush your teeth will trick your dental team, guess again. Your dentist in Zionsville can easily tell what type of oral hygiene regime you use just by looking at your teeth and gums. So, before you begin to think about telling your first fib, check out what your dentist already knows the moment they see you smile.  


What to Expect at a Dental Appointment During the COVID-19 Crisis

May 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:33 pm
A dentist wearing a face mask, gloves, and protective eyewear while caring for a patient

Like other individuals throughout the world, COVID-19 has caused people to rethink and formulate new ways to communicate, interact, and work. While some industries required a complete overhaul in the way they operate, others like your local dentist’s office have implemented additional guidelines to minimize the potential transmission of harmful bacteria and viruses while continuing to provide high-quality service. So, exactly how has dentistry during COVID-19 in Zionsville changed? Read on to learn what you can expect when arriving for your next appointment.

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