As one of the most superior methods of restorative treatment, dental implants in Zionsville can make it possible for you to feel good about the way you look. Offering improved stability and functionality, there’s no other solution that offers the same level of benefits and assurance. Since these tooth replacements are such a worthy investment, it’s important that you take proper care of them from the start. If you’re unsure of how to go about maintaining your new smile, here are 4 tips you should follow to keep your implants lasting longer.
Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Although dental implants cannot decay, it is still necessary for you to practice good oral hygiene habits. Your natural teeth are still susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. While you might be used to brushing twice a day and flossing once, you’ll need to tweak your routine to start brushing and flossing after every meal. You’ll need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush, either manual or electric, a low-abrasive, tartar-control toothpaste, and dental floss.
Keep Your Regular Dental Appointments
Unless otherwise instructed by your dentist, you’ll need to keep your regular six-month dental appointments. This will allow your dental professional to not only thoroughly clean your teeth but also check for any problems or infection that might be developing on your restoration or within the rest of your mouth. There are times when a patient may need to come in more frequently, especially if they are suffering from gum disease; however, the standard timeline is 6 months, so make sure to schedule your next appointment before you leave the dentist office.
Avoid Eating Hard Foods
While this might be difficult for some people, especially if you enjoy raw vegetables and fruits, biting into a hard piece of food can be damaging to your dental implant. It can also be harmful to your natural teeth. To prevent this from occurring, it is best if you cut any hard pieces of food into small, bite-sized pieces. This will allow you to still enjoy some of your favorite foods while keeping your implant in great shape.
Limit Your Sugar Intake
Foods that contain sugar and carbohydrates can be hard to avoid, but when snacking or eating a meal, it is best to eat more well-balanced, nutritious options. Too much sugar, acidity, or starch can lead to bacterial growth on your teeth and gums, and if left untreated, can result in cavities or gum disease. If plaque and tartar spread around the gum line, this can negatively impact your dental implant, resulting in implant failure.
By following these 4 tips, you can make sure your custom restorations last a lifetime. Don’t let your worthwhile investment be a loss. Take care of your mouth and enjoy the results!
About the Author
Dr. Angelo Julovich began his undergraduate studies at Purdue University Calumet Campus before transferring to Indiana University Northwest to complete his degree. He then went on to enroll in Indiana University’s School of Dentistry, graduating in 1982. For 11 years, he has been with Trinity Dental and remains fully committed to his patients. Recently voted Top Dentist for the 10th year in a row, he will give you a stunningly beautiful smile. Whether you’re in need of porcelain veneers or dental implants, his expertise spans far and wide, making it possible to treat patients with varying dental needs. To learn more, contact us at (317) 769-3335.